
1. Front raised seam
2. Head nail/small saddle nail
3. Adjustable gullet/adjustable head plate
4. Skirt
5. Large saddle nail
6. Contoured knee pad/shaped knee pad
7. Flap
8. Billet straps
9. Boot protection/saddle flap protection
10. Stirrup leather keeper/stirrup leather loop
11. Gusseted panels
12. Flocking Padding
13. Rear raised seam
14. Cantle
15. Seat 
16. Narrow Twist
17. Pommel
18. Saddle Maker Plate/saddle Insignia
19. Breastplate dee ring
20. Stirrup bar
21. Cross belt to attach stirrup bar
22. Thigh block/thigh roll/thigh support
23. Sweat flap
24. Point billet strap

Here you can find the terminology for the Dressage Saddle (pdf 613 KB)